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Duann Kier is the psychic channeler for The Consortium.
The Consortium describes itself as a loosely-organized group of volunteers from other star systems and multiple dimensions—including those who have passed from earthly existence—who are helping us prepare for what they are calling The Gathering. The Gathering is the coming together of all those in physical and nonphysical form who are answering the call of planet earth to assist with the raising of her consciousness for spiritual evolution throughout the cosmos.
Duann is a former Christian fundamentalist who holds a Master of Religious Education degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological seminary, but because of her spiritual gifts was led to leave organized religion and become a professional psychic, hypnotist, spiritual teacher and writer for over two decades. In the autumn of 2019, she began receiving messages that she was going to be separated and set apart for new work. The new work revealed itself to be her becoming the channel for The Consortium.
The Consortium includes some of those who worked with Duann’s ancestors and who worked with her in “past lives,” but most of its volunteers prefer not to be specifically labeled or categorized because it leads to the misidentification of who they are and who we all are in relationship to them. They do, however, share that they can be understood as diverse manifestations coming and going from the group as the need arises and who communicate through Duann when they agree that there is a message to be delivered. One of their primary messages is that they are supporting us in our extraordinary awakening to our divinity while we are still in physically-manifested form; that is “bringing heaven to earth” or “as above, so below.”
Before formally beginning her work with The Consortium in 2021, Duann was contacted in 1996 by one of its volunteers--the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep II of the 18th Dynasty. She then discovered in 2020 that she carries the DNA of Amenhotep IV--also known as Akhenaten--as well as his mother Queen Tiye who was the royal wife of Amenhotep III and also her mother Tjuyu who was High Priestess of the Goddess Hathor. This whole family was instrumental in bringing back into human consciousness the concept of “One Source of All Creation” and that one of the ways this source communicates with us is through our sunstars. Each of us is one of the many ones of The One.
Duann’s ancestry not only includes multiple Middle Eastern lineages, but also Sub-Saharan African, Romani (Gypsy), Slavic, Northwest European and Native American (Pee Dee).
Another volunteer with The Consortium contacted Duann in the year 2000 and identified himself as Jezreel, possibly a descendant of the biblical Judah (I Chronicles 4:3) or the eldest son of the prophet Hosea (Hosea 1:4). He told Duann "we want to bring you all back together, but you must be the ones to lead it, not us. We will not take power away from you. Rather we give what you ask. Will you not ask? We grow all over your world. You are us and we are you. There is no difference really. Just semantics and timing. Space will soon have no time limitation." He also told her to "remember your time among the cats and the people of the air. They bring you gifts of the stone which held the power. Look for it within the temple you visit when you walk among the dead. It will shine for you to resource it."
In 2010, Duann was contacted by another volunteer with the group—James, the brother of Jesus—who helped her write her books and refers to her as “little sister.” He has asked her to help raise the vibrational frequency of the messages delivered by the old ones during his time and who have spoken throughout human history, but who have very often been misinterpreted along the way. The biblical matriarchs coming and going from The Consortium will be assisting Duann in this work as she helps human beings release many of their restrictive religious beliefs and embrace the return of the Divine Feminine in her countless countenances. This will stimulate the rise of the truly Divine Masculine upon the planet.
Duann’s first book was Fundamen-Talisman: Resurrecting the Fundamentals of Relationship from the Fundamentalism of Religion. It has been referred to as a handbook for recovering Christian fundamentalists. Her next book was the award-winning Return of the Divine Feminine, Rise of the Divine Masculine: And the Men Who Are Calling for Her Return. Her most recent book is an anthology titled The Matriarchal Missive: Women's Insight & Hindsight from the Silver & Gold Years of Life. She is also included in the Girl God anthologies On the Wings of Isis and Asherah: Roots of the Mother Tree.
In addition to the books above, The Consortium asked Duann to create a book of their channelings so they would be available in a hard-copy format in the event they could no longer be accessed electronically. That book is titled The Consortium Communications 2021-2023.
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The Consortium and Psychic Seminary