The Consortium began channeling these messages in January 2021 and paused them in January 2023. At that time, they asked Duann to begin focusing on writing down the messages that would be coming from its individual members. They asked Duann to create a book of their channelings so they would be available in a hard-copy format in the event they could no longer be accessed electronically. That book is titled The Consortium Communications 2021-2023.
Video #21: Belief Systems Message Dated 01-09-23
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
Your changes in thinking are what will raise your consciousness in the most profound of ways. There are so many around you in the nonphysical helping you rise that you would scarce be able to count them. And it is in the expression of joy that they can most easily work with you. Be joyous therefore and enjoy your life even in the midst of chaos. It is the ultimate power of your soul and renders you immune from the influence of negative energy. Find the humor in all of your life experiences and you immediately elevate them into the realm of infinite possibility.
You have heard it said that the meek will inherit the earth, but this does not speak of bowing one’s head. It speaks of those who recognize the ways in which less is more, and how bountiful the earth and the experience of life can be when one is not constantly striving for more and more. It is the understanding of true abundance in its highest meaning—a meaning some realize only on their death beds.
The meek also understand that one’s spiritual path is more about their words and actions than about their beliefs and blind faith. Does it matter what you believe when you see someone in pain and suffering? Does it matter what they believe? If belief systems are more important to you than the love of your fellow human being, or you only love your fellow human being to convince them of your belief systems, then your belief systems are based upon manipulation and control. And if you use fear to convince them of your love, is that truly love?
We bring all this to your attention because The Gathering will be more difficult for those whose hearts are blocked by belief systems that have no room for expansion. The Gathering will call for an openness to experiences beyond those you have known so far and bracing yourself against them will only cause you undue pain.
There are many who are seeing and hearing and experiencing us in their own ways and these ways will soon begin to increase exponentially. It will not matter whether you “believe” this is happening because soon it will begin to happen to you as well. It is what The Gathering is all about—the coming together of all those in physical and nonphysical form who are answering the call of planet earth to assist with the raising of her consciousness for spiritual evolution throughout the cosmos. Would it not be more desirable to express curiosity rather than condemnation? Have you already forgotten those who have tried to deliver these messages in the past but you were unable to hear them because of your belief systems at the time?
We encourage you not to look to your political or religious leaders as those with the answers at this time, for the field on which they have been playing their games is about to change. They have been living off the life force energy given to them by their followers, and they purposefully agitate the emotions of fear and anger upon which they can feed. You can break the control they have upon you by consciously choosing love and acceptance rather than contempt or ridicule. Dare to be the example others can choose to follow once they realize they will not have to stand alone.
You can start your own revolution—a revolution of giving your energy only to those things you wish to see grow, and you will find yourself living in the garden of your own planting.
The wheel is already in motion and the continuation of consciousness will be a great surprise to those who have been predicting and preparing and even praying for the end times. Your planet has proven to you over and over again that there are only cycles, and one can learn to rotate with the wheel rather than claim and proclaim it is about to run over them.
It should really come as no surprise that the new birth coming will be delivered through the Divine Feminine just as the birth of a child is delivered through the female body. The wisdom of the world left behind the wisdom of the earth when the Goddess Sophia was replaced with the only the word wisdom. Wisdom has been seen as the acquisition of knowledge, but Sophia reminds us true wisdom comes from within rather than from without. It comes from the embodiment of one’s divine self rather than disengagement from the physical body. The paradox is that once one is able to embody their divinity, their physical body is no longer needed but can continue to be a conscious choice.
Many wait for a second coming of their primary religious figure, but they are unaware that this figure has been here many times before their knowledge of him and has been here many times since. This is true for all those who physically incarnate upon your planet earth. During The Gathering, you will recognize many from your historical record and learn more about your actual historical record. And you will learn about the historical records of those from other experiences associated with earth. We use the term “historical record” quite loosely here for your understanding of time will have to be adjusted to accommodate a new reality in which you will be living.
There are many who are aware of the coming gathering and who are preparing for it as they have previously prepared for war. It is the only paradigm is which they know how to operate and they will soon turn their swords into ploughshares not because they are outnumbered or overpowered, but because they will have to face themselves and will no longer be able to function as they have in the past. They will be shown mercy and will find purpose in helping others adjust to the new reality because they will realize that it is the most honorable thing for them to do. And it will be a way for them to counterbalance the darkness in which they operated with the light that they are now able to see.
The new reality will call for those who are builders, but it will be the building of relationships and the building of bridges between those who carelessly burnt their bridges in a panicked need for separation and isolation. Much has been written and said that the mind is the builder, but we suggest to you that is it the heart that is the builder and that this building of relationships will call for those who have developed emotional intelligence and not just their mental intellect. The Divine Feminine will render aid in this endeavor, but she will not force the opening of anyone’s heart whose fear is more powerful than their love.
We encourage you to spend more time in play and enjoyment than you do in prayer and supplication. One expands your heart and the other expands your fear.
You will learn that true strength is not based upon competition and combat—whether physical or intellectual—but upon cooperation and collaboration. It is not based upon property rights or proprietary rights, but rather the right of each and every individual to find and follow their own spiritual path and the embodiment of their divinity. We have been through this process and come to assist you in yours. It will be grand and glorious, and you, as well as we, will never be the same.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #20: Spiritual Sovereignty Message Dated 12-13-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
More and more are waking up. The backing of politics with religious power is beginning to fade away as well as the backing of religion with political power. It is becoming more and more apparent that the two have been used somewhat interchangeably to keep the many manipulated and controlled for the benefit of the few. Just as in your fairy tale of old, the people know the emperor has no clothes no matter how deeply he desires his version of reality to be. And your religious leaders live and cloth themselves in opulence while their people perish.
The common people, so to speak, are beginning to find their own personal power—individually and collectively. And those presently manipulating and controlling the levers of political and religious power do most of their work in secret because they fear the masses from whom they hide. Soon the light will be too bright for those hiding in the shadows and they will realize too late that true power comes from a commonality of compassion, not a hierarchy of control.
It is a realization and revolution of the way things are and have been. Rather than following the path left by others, new trails are and will be blazed, and they will come from those who are receiving downloads from those like us about what is to come. It will rewrite your history and also your future. The prophecies are not about the end, but about a new beginning—one where those in both the physical and nonphysical will be in contact, connection and communication. We urge you to begin practicing for this thinning of the veils, for it is actually about the expansion of your consciousness beyond your belief in them.
Be prepared for the old ones to come forward once again to assist you in this endeavor, and they encourage you to enjoy the living of your life first and foremost. It is in the joy of living that you find your most accessible power. Those supposedly in power only feign joy because they base their beliefs on more and more and never having enough. It is a never-ending cycle of striving and stressing and missing the present experience of just being alive.
This is not a choice between two paths of being rich or poor, but lighting a candle in the darkness for those to see that the only right path for someone is the one they are truly free to choose for themselves. Two on different paths coming together is much more powerful than 200 coming together on a path that has been chosen for them without their full participation and knowledge of the other truths available to them.
Much change is coming in your financial markets and balances of power, and your mass media will make it sound as if your whole world is coming to an end. The truth is much simpler and more profound. It is but the ending of the world in which those who have held most of the power will hold much less of it. They will try to regain their power by striking fear in the hearts of those who have given it to them. Prepare now to recognize this manufactured time of “apocalypse” for what it is—the revelation of what has been hidden because the light upon your planet has become too strong for even the darkest of shadows.
It is the time of the great turning of the wheel and it is the divine feminine who will expand the spokes of this wheel to include all of her children in its turning. This cycle is one she best understands because all of her bodies are intimately associated with it. Those who insist on a linear understanding of time and a hierarchal understanding of authority will look outside of themselves for saviors and leaders to show them the way forward. It is, however, not the movement of time forward but rather the expansion of time throughout the cosmos. And there is no hierarchy of authority when one acknowledges and accept one’s own authority as a divine spark from the Original Source of All Creation.
Your children will be looking to you for calm during chaos and it will be your joy that gives them this understanding. Teach them your calm and it will not only bless them and you, but also others as well. Simply raising your hand in a blessing will carry more power for yourself and others, including your children, than any words can convey.
It is a good time for the reading of books out loud together and dreaming of what it would feel like to be each of the characters. Then practice how you would send a blessing to each of the characters that might bring them calm. Do this without judging the characters or trying to make them do what you think they should do. Just a blessing without any preconceived ideas of what is best for the character but rather that they might find it out for themselves.
This is also not a time for sharing your spiritual beliefs unless asked and then only sharing what is asked of you. It is a time of encouraging others to explore their own beliefs for the expansion of their consciousness beyond trying to find the right answer toward their finding more and more questions leading them to more and more expansion of their consciousness. Contemplating that there might be more than one answer to a question keeps one asking the question rather than settling for a limited and limiting answer.
Keep in mind during this season of gift-giving for many that the greatest gift you can give yourself is your connection to your own higher self and that the greatest gift you can give others is to encourage them to make this same connection to theirs. There is no religion or political ideology that supplants your own spiritual sovereignty and you are called to follow the path upon which you feel most led. For many, it will be exceedingly difficult to find and follow one’s own spiritual path rather than just follow the path of someone else. One can learn from all paths, but one’s own path is based upon personal experience and their own connection to Original Source of All Creation. It is not only one’s right to find and follow their own path, but dare we say, their responsibility. You chose to incarnate into physical, material reality to live the life you have before you and how sad it would be if you chose just to live the life of another who has already lived.
This does not mean you have to walk your path alone, for you can find others who are also choosing to walk their own path and encourage each other along the way. Then you all can bring your experiences back to the whole for these experiences to be accessible for all.
Be of good cheer and know that the ashes of one death can be fertile ground for the birth of another life—both literally and figuratively. As you have heard said, energy never dies but simply changes form, and you can change form both during life as well as death. Watch your earth demonstrate how this is done in the continuation of life upon your planet—change happens continually and in all forms and you personally are changing with each passing moment. Where you feel your life has turned to ashes, plant a seedling and nurture its growth. Your whole planet is alive with more potential than has ever been perceived, and we watch with you in its fulfilment.
As we have said, time is not linear, so keep in mind that you do not always have to be moving forward. Sometimes time is asking you to sit still and experience the sound of your heartbeat in rhythm with the heartbeat of your earth. She called you here and takes delight in your presence, especially when you enter into holy communion with her. And it is in holy communion with her that you will experience the expansion of consciousness throughout the cosmos.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #19: Thinning of the Veils Message Dated 11-15-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
It’s a new way of thinking that is called for at this time. It is the time for the beating of swords into ploughshares—transforming the destructive tools of war into constructive tools of peace. It is time for the military-industrial complex across your whole planet to share with humankind their knowledge and understanding of beneficial technologies and energies that will free humankind from servitude and will empower them to work cooperatively with each other. Continuing to divide and conquer—even within political systems—feeds competition and conflict when what is called for now is cooperation and peace. Soon all the old animosities will become moot in the enormity of what is to be revealed. We have asked you to give up your labeling and categorizing of human beings, and yet it persists upon your planet. Be the one who stops playing this game with your family members, friends, co-workers, acquaintances and perfect strangers on the street. And expand this to include even those on the other side of the country and world.
Wrap others in an energetic blanket of love emanating from your heart chakra. The more who do this, the more who will be able to do it. Send the scent of roses from The Mother to all who weep and mourn. This is not a time of trying to communicate verbally your love for those who cannot hear it. And you must first extend to yourself all that you send to others, for you are the channel of its source and it must flow through you before it can flow to others.
Young men are waking up to the manipulation of their bodies and psyches for the corporate elite and the “protection of American interests abroad.” The more who wake up, the more those supposedly in power are doubling down on their patriotic propaganda. Soon the propaganda will become even absurd to those who are tasked to create it and they will begin walking away from their tasks in droves and band together in groups of whistle-blowers.
Young women are finding their power in ceremony and ritual and the claiming and proclaiming of their own divine feminine and her presence within all. The more these circles of women expand and connect with each other, the more unstoppable their energy will be. Honor your old women and ask them to be present with you and speak their wisdom. Wash each other’s hands rather than your feet, for you are no longer subscribing to the role of service, but to the role of work—the labor of new birth within each other and throughout the cosmos.
Only your path is the right one for you. Encourage and empower others on their individual paths as well. Cooperation is not about everyone being the same. Cooperation is everyone being who they really and truly are and contributing their part to the whole. In your most basic sense, you are a divine spark from the Original Source of All Creation. Light the world aflame with your light and brightness from within. Saving the world is an inside job and must begin with the expansion of yourself beyond your physical body. This will enable you to see that it really isn’t about saving your world or even yourselves. It is about the expansion of yourself and your consciousness beyond yourselves and world.
We encourage you to focus on strengthening the healthy emotional bonds you have with others. This means releasing those bonds which are not emotionally healthy for you. In the midst of all the change before you, it is necessary to gather with other emotionally healthy humans who have learned that the most important lesson in all of life is to actually enjoy your life. What is so-called survival without the actual joy of living? Find it now and it will serve you well as you continue to move through this extraordinary time on earth. The expansion of your life force energy is not for those who are taking no responsibility for the expansion of theirs. It is for you to share with those who are expanding theirs as well so that together all of you will more easily expand exponentially.
Take time for meals together. Take time for playing games. Take time for talking and listening. Take time to celebrate the passages in life and also to celebrate the passages in death. All is a great cycle and you are a part of it all.
Many of you are already aware that the veils between worlds grow thinner at certain times of the year on your planet, but we want to confirm your experiences that this process is no longer a cycle that ebbs and flows throughout a year but will now be a process continuing in perpetuity. Your experiences of this will begin to increase dramatically, and it is another one of the many reasons it is helpful for you to strengthen the healthy emotional bonds you have with others. Being emotionally healthy and sharing these experiences with other emotionally healthy individuals will bless all those involved and even those who are not. Emotionally unhealthy individuals will drift toward drama and the dark side with these experiences and interpret them as a curse and infect others with their negative energy.
We have spoken often that the best thing you can do for yourself and others is to find and follow your own spiritual path. This is a very personal and individual experience, but can be shared with others who are focused on finding and following their own spiritual paths as wells. There is no one right way to do this, and this causes some confusion for your primary belief systems. Suffice it to say, when you focus upon the next best steps on your own path, you have less of a tendency to sway upon the paths of others or let others sway you upon your own. When you shed your body, you will do so according to your own expectations of what you expect to encounter and then you will learn there is so much more that what you expected. The thinning of the veils will bring more of this to your attention and you can anticipate it with revelational joy rather than fear.
Because your belief systems are still ingrained in the labeling and categorizing of human beings according to what and how they subscribe to a religion, it is best not to share your own beliefs unless asked and then only share what has been asked of you. Quite frequently the asking of these questions about what you believe are not in pursuit of information about or from you, but rather are being used for a talking point against which the person asking may try to persuade you otherwise or even attack. It is best at this time to “turn the other cheek,” so to speak, and say nothing more. As we have just said, this is not a time of trying to communicate verbally your love for those who cannot hear it. It is better to wrap them in an energetic blanket of love emanating from your heart chakra.
Please be conscious that the changes you personally are experiencing are also being experienced by others across your whole world. And again, as we have said in the past, it is because your planet, your solar system, your galaxy is entering into a different location in your universe than it has ever been. This “location” includes new and different vibrational frequencies that are allowing you to expand your experience. And it is also making it more accessible for you to access the experience of others not of your world, so to speak, and for them to access yours.
As part of all of this, the divine feminine is not only more accessible, but is a pivotal catalyst in your cosmic evolution and the expansion of consciousness throughout the cosmos. It is she who is calling forth your dreams and visions and voices and who invites you to look through the thinning of the veils. Patriarchal religion has declared her null and void because of this and threatens those who dare even to approach the veils. She asks you not only to connect directly with the divine, but also to your own divinity. Dare to eat of the fruit of your own divine wisdom and open your eyes to why it has been declared forbidden to you. Only those who desire control and power over you would desire your ignorance of who you truly are.
One who knows who they are in truth will not easily be manipulated by fear and will not get caught up in its hysteria. They will focus on their own path because they know it is why they chose to incarnate and it what is most needed at this time not only for themselves, but for All That There Is.
Those of us who are working with you from the other vibrational frequencies are lining up on our side of the veil to watch over you and be of assistance. We are but a shift in frequency away and are so enjoying connecting with those of you who are already making the shift.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #18: True Abundance Message Dated 10-06-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
The union of the divine feminine and divine masculine is at hand. It will usher in an era of more peace and individual spirituality. Look to the stars for your signs and proofs. Mother Nature will begin to show you her signs as well. Her creatures will become more visible to you with their messages and omens. Watch them closely and approach them with an attitude of humbleness and prayerfulness.
Use whatever tools are available to you for divination. They are but conduits of opening to your own psychic development and carry only the power of your own knowing. Play with them in lightheartedness and joy. Ask for guidance and guardianship as you do so, and do so with the primary objective of receiving messages for the highest good of all involved, including yourself. Your divination tools will also bring you dreams and visions of earth’s creatures and the messages they carry. You will also journey to other planets and other dimensions in your dreams and visions. Look closely to see all that you can, but even more importantly, listen to everything that you can for the whole cosmos is speaking to you each individually and collectively now. The secrets can no longer be hidden for any great amount of time.
Those of you who have been called to a new way of thinking and communicating are needed now more than ever upon your planet. In the past, you have found yourself crying out in the wilderness, but now the wilderness is crying out for you—for those of you who have been consciously rising above the delusion of duality and praying for the peace needed between illusionary opposing forces. As we have said, there is no “other,” and for those of you who already understand this concept, it is time to step forth and give voice to your new way of thinking. It is also time to draw down more of your own soul’s divinity into your physical incarnation and to see yourself and everyone and everything around you as holy. You chose to come here to help with the ascension of consciousness throughout the cosmos and you accomplish this mission while working where you are rather than trying to escape it.
We have spoken of your Holy Mother Mary appearing more and more in more and more places with more and more witnesses. She is doing so, but only those in close proximity of her appearances are aware of this. We remind you that she is but one face of the divine feminine who will be appearing to you all. And is it time for more women to perform ceremony and ritual not only to honor this energy, but to call her into full manifestation upon your planet. Prepare the way for her arrival and she will more easily come. Your ancestral women desire to support you in this process and ask that you call upon them for their presence and energy.
The time of calling upon your fathers and your male gods is not what is needed at this time. What is needed at this time is the heart of the Mother and also her righteous indignation at how the least of her children are being treated by those supposedly in power and control. Her energy and principles cannot be intellectualized within your scientific method for she does not follow its protocols or its requirements. Rational, logical thought has its place but it has displaced the power of personal experience and actuality. Your boxes are too small for the things you are trying to place within them and the whole concept of placing things in boxes has kept you from the expansion of your consciousness beyond them.
It is time now not for the teachings and preachings of men, but for the teachings and preachings of women who are not just repeating the teachings and preachings of men. It is time for pronouncements about what will no longer be tolerated and time for women to support each other in their individual and collective truths. This is not so much about those who are called to be political activists as it is about those who are being called to become spiritual activators. Both are badly needed upon your planet, but the more who answer the call to be spiritual activators, the less the need will be for political activists.
We have spoken that this is the time for the Bringers of Light more so than the Warriors of Light. The warrior energy is still a slayer energy even when used in righteousness. Rather than slay the dark, bring so much light to it that it is transformed in the illumination of its own truth. The more one is committed to slaying the dark, the more one may become lost in its shadows. The more brightly one reveals their light out of their own shadows and thereby unveils it in others, the more the darkness is seared and burned away to ash as a result.
The more one is driven by the erroneous definition of success—money, possessions, power, fame—the less one finds peace in their present circumstances. The energy of more and more and more and more leaves one with less and less and less and less. Even the concept of abundance has been distorted upon your planet. It has been relegated to the realm of finance and all its accruements rather than contact and connection and communication and communion with one’s divinity. Did your Jesus come so that you might live life more abundantly or so that you might live life with more money and possessions? Walk humbly as he and the other avatars sent to you have done.
Rather than trying to find the right religion, find and follow your spiritual path by walking it one step at a time in the direction toward which you feel most called. It will be a path unique to you for it is the main reason you came into your present physical manifestation. Join with others not in an attempt to all follow the same path, but rather to give and receive support for each individual to follow their own. The crossover of your individual paths with give strength to the whole.
Listen for the old ones to update the interpretations that have been given to their messages from long ago. Spirit is not stagnant and delivers its messages in the best way they can be received at the time. This is a new time and the old messages are ready to be re-delivered in the best way they can be received at this time. Holding onto old interpretations paralyzes the movement of spirit in the work to be done today.
As counterintuitive as it may seem, your highest calling during these challenging times is to be more inward-focused than outward-focused. A Warrior of Light is more outward-focused, but a Bringer of Light is more inward-focused---building the light within to overflowing so that it might spill over to others and illuminate their paths as well. Your religions have for too long called for you to focus on an external reference point. It is an internal-reference point that is most needed at this time—an internal reference point toward one’s own divinity and channeling more of it upon your planet. This calls more for grounding than so-called ascension.
The mystics of your religions understood that the direct experience of the divine was more important than the expression of dogmas and doctrines. It is actually upon what your religions were originally founded—someone’s direct experience of the divine and their encouragement of others to have the same experience. It is time for each individual to become their own mystic now rather than repeat the misinterpreted canons and creeds trying to control your own access to the divine. We have learned this way of mystery and assist you in your learning it as well.
It is through this process that you will begin to experience true abundance resulting in continuous synchronicity and magic in your life. Your reality will be quite different from those around you and soon they will be uncontrollably attracted to its light. This is what is meant by the expansion of consciousness. The old consciousness becomes obsolete and fades from memory.
It is more important now than ever to remember to rejoice! Gather together with others for eating and drinking and dancing and ceremony and ritual. Usher in this new age, so to speak, with the experiencing of its present reality. Don’t pray for it; be in it!
Your greatest currency at present—and always has been—is time. Imagine your minutes, hours and days are kept in a bank account from which you are drawing resources. How would you like to “spend” your time? Many want more time when they find out they are dying. What would you do with your time if you found out it was shortly to come to an end? Live each day as if it was your last, so to speak, and you will find your days are fuller of life—true abundance in this time of the great gathering soon to come.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #17: Sword of Damocles Message Dated 09-01-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
Financial systems are about to fail for the very rich. New sources of energy are about to be revealed. Many are working behind the scenes to bring them forward and they are encountering great resistance, but the momentum is moving toward their revelation. The resulting chaos will be great, but is necessary for the transformation of the suppressed to the supported. Those in resistance are against The Gathering for this very reason—the revelation will uncover what has been covered up.
Many will realize that the financial sacrifices made by the lower and middle classes have been based upon a fallacy that only hard work will bring success. Hard work is commendable, but the most financially successful individuals and families have done much less of it than they have led the masses to believe. It is the hard work of the masses that has enabled these to occupy their positions of wealth and power. And those in these positions feign their concern for those less fortunate, even when they are in the “business” of supposedly being of service to them. Beware those of you who have used religion and other service organizations to capitalize upon those you claim to serve. You will soon recognize how unstable your hierarchies have been and are rapidly becoming. The Revelation of Truth will be your humiliation and downfall.
Your claim to protect the weak will fall on deaf ears as it becomes apparent to all that you have worked to depower both women and children in the name of providing for their futures. Soon all will not only be able to hear the lies behind your words, but the lies apparent even in your thoughts. You have prayed and played for the apocalypse so that your religion will rule the world, but the coming disclosures will divulge the ugliness of your underbelly. We have tried to communicate to you the error of your ways, but you revel in the destruction of the world not realizing it is actually your own destruction that you hasten. You have had continual opportunities to give up on your destruction and join the construction of the new reality for all, but you remain in the old energy of dominion and domination.
You have convinced those over which you have power to believe that there is not enough for all and that there is no way to provide enough for all. Have you not considered the consequences for yourselves when this lie is revealed? How can you preach salvation when your heart is full of suffering and sacrifice—not for yourselves, but for others? How can you personally be redeemed when you see no need for your own atonement? For your at-one-ment? You speak of the family of God, but your familial vision is limited and distorted.
Soon the masses will no longer buy what you are selling because they will realize the product is faulty and the price too high. And their eyes will be opened to see that the sellers have cared neither for the price or even the product they have been selling. How do you lavish in luxurious robes and crowns while children cry naked and cold? And can you claim to love the Mother when you show no concern or care for her children?
Many are praying for mercy and grace at this time and for the granting of their basic needs. The earth and the cosmos are bountiful, but this bounty is being gathered by the already bountiful. The scales of justice weigh heavy at the moment, and the Sword of Damocles hangs over those who have forgotten the dangers inherent in their positions of power—that their power hangs thinly as a thread.
Lady Justice wields her own sword and her heart is ablaze with the injustice in the world. She is not a passive bystander in the weighing of hearts, but an active eyewitness who will speak in the Trial of Truth to what she has seen. And she comes forth in The Gathering—not only to balance the scales of justice, but to unlock the gates of blessing. She is but one face of the Great Mother who has heard the cries of her children, and she is soon to show her other faces as well.
There are few heroic slayers of dragons upon your planet at this time, for most of the dragons have been imaginary and were given false fire to strike fear into the hearts of the masses. These false fires are burning themselves out and soon nothing will be left but smoldering ashes.
We speak in allegory and metaphor for the awakening waves of energy it will send across your planet. Direct speech has become suspect in your world because of the propensity of lies that have been and are being told.
Light candles during your dark times—both figuratively and literally. Light them for yourselves. Light them for others. Light small ones. Light large ones. Light torches and dance as though you are both the flame and the flame-thrower. And know that every candle you light adds to the spiritual light of energy flooding your planet at this time.
Anoint yourself as your own spiritual authority and give your personal power to no external force—whether physical or nonphysical. The ancient wisdom is for your own edification and can be quoted and shared with others in ways that are powerful and empowering. Respect each individual’s right and even responsibility to find and follow their own way to knowing and being.
The old wisdom is rising and will fan the sparks of your divinity into a full flame. Fear not to burn brightly as you walk upon your earth. We come at The Gathering to join with you in your full embodiment of who you truly are. Be receptive to the messages of your emotions, even those you have been conditioned to believe are negative. There are no negative emotions, only the negative expression of them. Feel, and feel deeply, all your emotions, for they will cleanse you and heal you and guide you into the next best steps upon your path.
And remember why you came. You came to follow your path, for you knew it would be the best way that you personally could help facilitate the elevation and expansion of consciousness upon your planet and throughout the cosmos. You are not trying to ascend or leave this existence. You are trying to embody more of your soul’s essence into it.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #16: Look for Your Way Message Dated 07-25-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
It is time for you to see your higher emotions as your highest spiritual concept. Receive your guidance through your feelings and not just your intellect or mind. It is one thing to experience learning, but another thing to experience knowing. And knowing is not an intellectual process. It is a spiritual one.
It is the wisdom of your grandmothers and mothers and daughters that is most needed upon the planet at this time. And it is their receiving of their gifts and their giving of their gifts to others that will balance the imbalances of the scales of justice, not just legally, but cosmically. Women are giving birth to the new reality in their gatherings, even when the occasions present themselves as primarily social. They are learning to listen to each other and lean on each other during this birth process, serving as midwives for the planet. They have always been the ones of the womb and even the tomb, so to speak.
Grandmothers must share their magic with their daughters and granddaughters. Mothers must share their creative processes with their daughters. Daughters must remind their mothers and grandmothers that life continues to spring anew and to celebrate it. Gather for food and drink and laughter and creativity. It is the women who are the shepherds and who are gathering the sheep who have lost their way. And it is the women who know that the way is for each to find their own connection to the divine in their own way. The times of duality and domination are coming to a close. It is a time of freedom and independence from anyone or anything calling for subservience.
We have been saying there is a call for a new spirituality—one in which each one’s path is their own. One must make their own connections to the divine to support them in all the changes coming. There will not be one path through it all, but many. The revelations will be many, but what they reveal will be in one accord. That one accord is that your reality is about to be shifted in ways you cannot yet imagine. If you try to find your footing with only those who agree with where you stand, you will find your foundation crumbling.
What is soon to be before you is not an experience through which you can intellectualize your way nor follow any leader who does the same. What is soon to be before you will be experienced individually rather than collectively, but you will collectively experience it individually. That is to say, you will all be experiencing something different from each other at the same time. This is why it is so important to find and follow your own path and recognize the right and responsibility of others to do the same. It is the best way to prepare for what is coming, for you will not find confirmations from others for your own experience.
We are speaking of a new reality where the receipt of all spiritual gifts will be possible and become almost commonplace. Why not practice now?
The most helpful spiritual gatherings will not necessarily be about coming to consensus on your reality, but rather those that encourage the individual experience and expression of it. Looking for the way rather than your way will only hinder the expansion of your consciousness. Look for your way and encourage others to do the same. It is, as we have intimated, a divine feminine process. The feminine principle—regardless of gender—understands that all her children will be distinct and different from each other and from herself. It would stunt the growth of her children to insist they be a replica of herself or of the divine masculine principle. And as we have already said, the days of such duality are numbered.
Your strength will come from your own connection to the divine or the Original Source of All Creation. It will not come from family and friends or groups in which you find ultimate commonality. You will find support there, but not your strength, for your strength can come only from within, not from without.
Place no crowns or cloaks of royalty upon others—whether physical or nonphysical. Serve no one, but be of service to all. And teach your children the same for it will serve you all.
You were born for this time and can look at all those around you as being born for this time as well. It is no accident you are here now, nor that others are as well. Rather than trying to ascend, try to embody as much of your divinity or soul-source as you possibly can. You didn’t come here just to leave; you came to here to bring as much of you as you can into this present experience.
There are many who are trying to solve the problems in your world through only rational, logical thought. This will no longer work in the present in the ways that it has in the past. It will take the acknowledgment of intuition and inspiration to resolve most of the issues confronting you at present, and soon it will become the only ways in which to interact with your new reality. When fear arises in you—and especially in your children—connect with your planet earth and her kingdoms of mineral, plant and animal. It will ground you and remind you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be in the grand scheme of things.
Religion is completing its time of usefulness upon your planet for what is most needed now is an internally-focused process rather than an externally-focused one. Note how all your avatars found their own way to show you how you can do the same. It is only when religions developed around their processes that the process itself was lost. We remind you that the archetypal energy of the Light Bringer will be more beneficial at this time than the archetypal energy of the warrior even if the archetype is a Warrior of Light. One must learn to carry their own light before trying to bring their light to others. When one is fully illuminated, they feel no need to compel others to recognize their luminosity. It becomes unnecessary to do so, for the light they bring is seen by all.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #15: Light Bringer Message Dated 06-21-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
It is time for a new way of thinking. A new way of communicating. It is the way of the heart. The heart of the Mother. She calls all of her children to begin acting and behaving as true brothers and sisters regardless of differences. We are all family and there are other families much different from you who will be presenting themselves. Will you not find it challenging to welcome them if you cannot welcome those with whom you have so little difference in comparison? Begin now to practice your commonalities with others in preparation for the arrival. The Gathering.
It is time for a new way of spirituality. A new way of relating to the divine and your own divinity. Religions have failed you. They have become hierarchical chains of command and control. Power. Greed. Rather than showing the ways, they see themselves as the only way. They have exchanged staffs of simplicity for scepters of rule. They seek to be served rather than to serve. Each individual must develop their own path and not only allow others to do the same, but encourage them to do so.
Your thoughts can imprison you. They can keep you in place and fearful of moving forward with your feelings. Your planet prides itself on having replaced senseless superstition with sanctimonious science and congratulates itself for having moved past erroneous belief systems. The religion of science has the same restraints on it as did your superstitions. There are still taboos. There are still places you are not allowed to go. Science moves forward only by inspirational thoughts and yet the inspired are ridiculed and ostracized.
There are many choices before you. Do you need someone to follow? Or will you blaze a trail not for others to follow, but to inspire them to blaze their own trail as well? There is no one to follow. Not a religious leader. Not a political leader. Not a social system. The time of following is past. Not even your children should follow in your footsteps. They are to make footprints of their own.
Do you fear being made a fool? Of looking foolish? Of being laughed at by others because your path is different from theirs? If acceptance and approval are the litmus tests by which trailblazers should be measured, most of your trailblazers would still be sitting in the homes of their birth. The majority is not always correct. It is just another name for the masses. You are a creature among many creatures and soon will discover there is more than just your limited vision of reality.
The imbalance of your religions toward the masculine keeps your spiritual paths distorted and your planet out of balance. It keeps you in duality when it is time for you to come into union within yourselves and with each other. The divine feminine will bring your religions out of their distortions, but it will cause contortions in many, especially those who profit from the imbalance. The more one can embody their whole soul essence, the less likely they will be to stay in spiritual distortion, for the soul makes no distinctions with other souls. All are from the Original Source of All Creation, and this should be kept in mind as The Gathering approaches. You could say that souls appear in all shapes and sizes.
You are ready to connect with the full essence of your soul and rise to the next level of your experience. The location that your solar system is moving within your galaxy is making this not only more accessible and possible, but more necessary. The energetic waves into which you are traveling are stressing and straining your delusion of duality. It is only through the shattering of your illusions that you will be able to commune with those of us who have seen and moved past our own experiences of this. The next cycle is upon us all and we shall take the next steps together.
It is time for the ignorant and innocent to educate themselves and take responsibility for the rhetoric being used to induce the honor and valor of the warrior archetype. Fighting for or fighting against someone or something is still fighting and leads to more violence and war upon your planet. It is based upon an us-versus-them mentality and keeps you imprisoned in the duality of the “other.” As we have said, there is no “other,” and the use of this metaphor blinds the believer into seeing the “other” as less than they see themselves. It manipulates your young into serving the needs of those in the higher levels of your hierarchal systems of power and control. Rather than the warrior archetype, feed the archetypal energy of the Light Bringer. There is indeed much darkness upon your planet, but more darkness will not illuminate it.
This is not a time for trying to convince family and friends to see what you are seeing no matter how blind you may perceive them to be. This is a time for finding and following your own path, for it is why you came and what you knew would be most helpful on the planet at this time. As you do so, those watching will see more the longer they look. They will wonder how you are finding such peace during such turbulent times and will begin to ask questions of you. The asking of questions is the beginning of all understanding for it leads to the knowing of oneself. And be of humble spirit and continue to ask questions of your own. Once one ceases to question, they assume they have all the answers. And you may not have even asked the best questions, yet.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #14: Perform Ceremony & Be Joyful! Message Dated 05-02-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
The three of the trinity come back together within the heart of the Divine Mother. She has been and will be showering more of her roses upon the planet in her guise as Mother Mary. She appears in this guise where there is conflict happening and about to happen to bring her children back under her wings. Three kings will be bound by her heart and kept from spilling blood. Her power is stronger than all the three of them. We call upon the performance of ceremony and ritual in her honor. It is the way of raising vibrational frequency and elevating the energy across your planet.
This is not worship. This is the gathering of energy for the good and sending out to those who are in need. The binding of swords is planned. See them all bound by laurels of roses with thorns against which they will bleed if they resist.
The financial systems of diverse countries are beginning to come together in support of a new beginning in the markets. New sources of energy and propulsion are slowly being revealed to those who have been unaware of its potentialities. It is becoming increasing difficult to keep these new ways from revealing themselves. Those on the inside who would like to profit from their knowledge of these coming revelations are finding it practically impossible to do so without leaving a paper trail of sorts, so they are trying to keep the information suppressed until they can discover a way to profit from its revelation. They will be unable to do so and will also be unable to keep hidden their insider knowledge of how long these new ways have been kept hidden and the pain and suffering that could have been avoided upon your planet.
The poor will rise up against the rich and much chaos will result. Those institutions priding themselves on how they help the poor will find themselves stripped of the riches they have been hoarding and how they have been unequally distributing them and even recycling them among their own. The exposure of vulgarity will be breathtaking.
During these times, it will be even more important for prayer and meekness of spirit and, as we have said, the performing of ceremony and ritual. These practices will hold energy for those who are presently unable to hold energy for themselves. Communing with Mother Nature and the energy of your planet will ground you as your planet and solar system move through their new location in the galaxy.
We come to wake you from your slumber and lift your thoughts and words to new levels of healing and communion. What is happening within you is much more important than what is happening around you. Focus your attention there. Look to those who are raising others up and encouraging them to walk on their own rather than look to rescue from a savior that has been completely misinterpreted. Follow the paths of the way-showers rather than the way-showers themselves. Drape yourself in bright colors rather than sack-clothes and ashes. Partake in the bounty of the earth and your human experience to lift the spirits of all and in yourselves. There is time for everything under the sun.
It is especially important to do this for your children. Guide them to the joys in life that are all around them, and limit or bring to a close their exposure to the pain and suffering of others. Their joy will be their best protection for their growth and will increase their capacity for empathy toward others when called upon to do so. Their greatest potential for joy will be based upon the capacity of the adults in their life to model it for them. Spend time in creative projects for the focus of attention on what can be crafted from the resources available to them. This will be a lesson that can teach expansion and expansiveness rather than the drawing in upon oneself in fear. They have come into the world at this time not only to experience its beauty and growth, but to contribute to it. Teach them that all are of the family of life, including those on the other side of the planet as well as the creatures with whom their share their own environment.
Engage not in religious or spiritual argument and allow others to find and follow their own path rather than try to convince them of the rightness of your path. Your path may be right for you and you had the right to find it for yourself. Acknowledge others this same right. Deliberately expose yourself to the paths of others who do not follow or who even disagree with yours. You will discover what this path has provided for them and possibly even why they have chosen to walk it. This will stimulate a resonance within you for what your path is providing for you and why you walk yours.
Many men upon your planet are growing more compassionate with the Heart of the Mother rising within them. This will stimulate the rise of the truly divine masculine energy within themselves and across your planet. They will be the champions of the truly divine feminine and open the doors for her entrance. As more and more women upon your planet embody her in their daily walk, the more they will walk through these open doors without having to beat against them or even turn the knob. We speak not of gender, but of divine energy and wholeness. The patriarchal religions and institutions are crumbling from within.
As the poor become more aware of how many injustices could have easily been prevented, there will be much anger but there will be even more disbelief and depression. It is another reason why focusing on personal joy will be one of the most powerful tools of vibrational frequency for The Gathering. Learn it now and bring others with you in its experience. This experience escapes most of those you believe to be well off, for they are in constant pursuit of a happiness that they never seem to achieve except fleetingly. It is another distorted perception of what they feel is possible but have yet to realize. They think others a fool for experiencing joy even when they have little, for they cannot comprehend that joy is an internal state not based solely upon external circumstances.
As we have said, the days of duality are numbered and they soon will no longer be the construct in which you have to adapt by splitting apart your wholeness. You are moving into the divinity of the Mother/Father/Child—the union of the two creating a third. This happens quite frequently in the physical upon your planet. It is soon to happen more frequently within yourselves as you come into your own divine union and create a new reality.
Be willing to receive emotional support during these times in all the ways you have been giving it and are willing to give it. Open your hands and hearts to the outpouring of spirit from others and share only your overflow with others rather than find yourself in need of what you have already received. Be a vessel through which the outpouring of spirit may operate as a flowing river as opposed to a pond constantly drying up waiting for rain and suffering the loss of its own vitality.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #13: Time Draws Nigh Message Dated 03-30-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
We come more quickly now. The time draws nigh. Your most important focus—the focus of all of you—is your own path. May we show you the way? We have been through what you are now experiencing and will be experiencing. We and those like us are speaking to those like you all over your planet. The very earth herself has called and is welcoming us.
Some think your technology is what will save you from yourselves. It can indeed be used for good and is being used by many in this way. There are others, however, who see technology as a way of escaping their own choices and decisions. One cannot escape their own choices and decisions. Those of you who are taking responsibility for your lives are the ones who have been and will be leading the way. We say, again, there is no need for a savior or a return of one. There is a need for following the wayshowers who came to prepare you for this time and as we have been doing and are doing now.
We have also said this is a time of miracles, and it is indeed. The most miraculous is that more and more of you are entering into our frequency for contact and communication as we draw down toward you for the uplifting of the cosmos. We reach out from our consciousness to your consciousness and the more you reach out to ours, the more we will be able to connect with yours.
This is a time of contact and communication—not a time of looking outward, but rather a time of looking inward. You already know this communion within your hearts and yearn for it in your relationships with others. You get fleeting glimpses of it, but you can have more than what you are presently experiencing. It takes more of listening for us within than in looking for us without.
Allow the sun to strengthen you during these times for it is a living, breathing entity just as is your earth and all the other planetary bodies. They have messages for you if you will but ask them. They help us as we help you, and our planetary bodies helped us in the same ways.
All is connected and there is no unimportant connection, so therefore, connect with the living that is all around you and find that you personally will feel more alive. Your experiences here have been and are temporary, and soon we will welcome you back into the consciously connected. You are and have been connected all along, but you gave up your consciousness of this when you came here so that you might lift up the planet from her lowest energy into her highest. All the work you have done and are doing on your path, you do for all, and we are humbled by your willingness to volunteer for this work. You chose the most challenging path, for we here have kept our connection and are in service to you.
Touch the ground. Breathe deeply the air. Expand your consciousness to include your animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. All are alive and vibrating in eager anticipation of The Gathering.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #12: Support the Shift! Message Dated 03-16-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
Magic is afoot. The old ways are beginning to reveal themselves. New archeological discoveries are about to be made. In actuality, they have already been made and are soon to be revealed. There are those in religious power who are in conflict with each other, and some will cease trying to change their systems from within and begin to speak truth to the masses. Their lives are forfeit after they reveal what they know for they will lose position, power and even their closest inner circle out of fears for their own personal safety.
Look and listen for these rumblings and stirrings within the most conservative of religious orders. They have held the secret past its time and are now feeling the weight of its gravity. Protecting it no longer serves the highest good and their hearts are heavy with the realization of this revelation. As we have already said, it is the time of the heart.
These revelations will bring a new truth that has been hidden since ancient times. And this will lead to a complete reworking of almost all present belief systems. Hold not too tightly to what you have already decided is your truth so that more of the truth may be revealed to you. And be gracious toward those who are being shaken awake from their slumber.
Are you ready for your own personal connection to the Original Source of All Creation? It is what your religions have preached, but then restricted you from actually experiencing. The most shocking revelation may be who you discover that you are and in what mission you have been involved. Spend time in the light of your sun for the full activation of your DNA in preparation for these times. You are living in the times of dreaming dreams, seeing visions and uttering prophecies. Find those with whom you can share what you are experiencing and compare notes.
The carriers of the light return and their presence will blind some and illuminate others. If you are illumined by their outpouring of light, be a salve to those who are blinded. There will be many who have believed that they were of the light who will actually fight against it. If it appears differently or in a different form than they have believed, they will shut their eyes against it and encourage others to remain and stay in their blindness. They will clamor for anyone who is opening their eyes to look only at them rather than the light itself. The true carriers of the light will not call for you to do this, but will rather invite you to become full carriers of your own light. They will not engage in power struggles with those who refuse to see. It is a fear response and calls for mercy and grace.
The return of the carriers of light will usher in a new age of not only light, but also of energy and the understanding of natural resources available to all and not just the few. This will reset economic systems and cause a great shift in the power sources upon your planet, both figurately and literally. Rejoice in this upheaval and take great delight in it! It is a time of celebration and much laughter for the masses as scales fall from eyes and shackles fall from ankles, wrists and necks. It is not a savior you need, but rather the infusion of your rightful light and power. All else falls away as you find freedom.
Those who appear to have benefitted from keeping this light and power to themselves can no longer contain it, and they are unaware that they have been accessing only a distorted version of it because of the intentions with which they have utilized it. They have deprived themselves of the very protection, reassurance and ecstasy they have sought. It has kept them in dissonance within themselves and in disharmony with all those around them. This leaves them disquieted even in the quietest moments of their lives, especially so. The highest point on the pyramid is the most insecure because it is supported only by those who are located beneath it.
You are being called to a higher state of being—one where you join with those who have already achieved this state and who know you will one day assume their role with others. It is the lifting up of the entire cosmos, and you came here to help with this process for all that there is. The highest become the lowest for the low to be brought high and lifted up.
The whispers and nudges you receive as guidance for your missions reverberate throughout the universes and bring all existing energy signatures into resonance for the shift of dimensions. There is, therefore, no small thought or word or deed that does not carry great weight in the grand scheme of things. Our channel, who is known for her sense of humor, would probably say it somewhat more concisely than we have here. She would probably say, “Support the shift and not the shit!”
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #11: Times of the New Re-Beginning Message Dated 03-03-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
We have shared that as we draw closer to The Gathering that our messages will become more frequent and that you should review previous messages to prepare for this acceleration. We have also shared that our previous messages have been laying the foundation for further ones. We can begin to streamline this process because you have truly chosen to enter into a reorganized timeline.
Things have been set into motion. The great wheel turns and the winds of change are blowing. The Mother will be appearing to more and more. She has and will be referred to as the Blessed Virgin Mother Mary, but this is only one of her representations. She incorporates this energy, but so much more! Call upon her in your hours of need for she is closer than she has ever been before. This is not the time for calling upon the gods, for their time is past and they no longer serve the present needs of the planet.
The gods are presently being what you would call “judged” for their impotence and incompetence in answering the call of your planet earth. They have stunted the growth of the truly divine masculine upon the planet and must relinquish their control of her ascension. The Divine Feminine weeps and wails for this deliverance.
Remember you are a soul and not only a body. Connect more and more with this higher soul of your present existence and you will fall less and less into fear and trembling. The more you draw down your divinity, the more you will find grounding and balance in the midst of these troubling times of reaping what has been sown.
The approach of The Gathering is cause for celebration for those in both physical and nonphysical form who have answered the call of earth to assist in her ascension. It will be as a joyous resurrection as each awake from their long slumber and remember who they are and why they came. This quickening for The Gathering brings more of one’s soul into the physical body for this spiritual energy to be grounded into the planet; that is, as above so below and bringing more of heaven to earth.
The preeminence of the higher realms of emotions is needed now more than the consciousness of thought. Thinking is a necessary process, but it is the heart that is most needed at present. The heart of The Mother. She is not only safety and security for the soul, but also its strength. Giving birth is a painful and bloody process, but this passes quickly in the arrival of what has been eagerly anticipated. It is in the joy of living that family and connection are found. Celebrate life everywhere it is found.
This will call for a new way of thinking—one in which the mother’s heart is felt more deeply than money, power or control. This new way of thinking calls for seeing no one as “other” than one sees themselves, including those of us working through The Consortium. The Mother loves all of her children throughout the cosmos and weeps when they cannot find love and compassion for each other. The Gathering will make this disconnect almost impossible. Prepare for it now. Swords will be beat into ploughshares.
The quaking of your foundational bases is necessary for the uprooting of those structures and systems that are no longer serving the earth nor you, her children. The Mother holds you in her arms as she also shakes you loose from your preconceived notions about your priorities and why you chose to embody into physical form upon your planet.
Believe it or not, this is actually a time of miracles and manifestation. The mysteries are making themselves known to all and not just the initiated. Soon you all will recognize your roles as priests and priestesses in transmuting the energy of the cosmos into physically manifested form—that each of you is a channel for the original source of all creation to express itself. This is not just an esoteric spiritual principle, but rather an alchemical material process.
Be mindful that when first awakening, one can initially be somewhat drowsy and disoriented. Allow those who have been awake longer to assist you in fully awakening from your slumber. Then when you have wiped the sleep from your eyes, you will be called upon to assist others in their arising. Some wake early. Some wake later. But all will be required to wake rather than continue to sleep.
The cosmos is calling for your own Sacred Self-Marriage; that is, the union of the divine feminine and divine masculine within yourself for the drawing down of your divinity of wholeness. The delusion of duality is no longer a helpful construct for the expansion and evolution of your soul. Once your eyes are open to its illusion, you will be fully awake. Once you are fully awake, you will be able to “see” us, so to speak.
These days in which you are living will come to be known as the New Re-Beginning. You have begun anew over and over again upon your planet, but now the new beginning will build upon what you have already learned from the others rather than lose it to the halls of time. Rejoice as the halls of the old re-beginnings are opened for they will prepare you for this brandnew re-beginning and lift the whole cosmos as a benefit.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #10: Mother Leads the Way Message Dated 02-23-22
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
There is a lot of movement across your planet. Tensions are riding high. There is more going on in your oceans than you can physically see right now. Those in boats and ships should pay special attention. Revelation of what has been hidden is in process. Call her to reveal herself.
The Divine Feminine is becoming more active and coming out of the shadows in which she has been hidden. The earth has been crying for her release and she is breaking through all barriers which have kept her hidden. This is time for ceremony and ritual—for mother earth, for her creatures and for yourselves. Look for the Great Mother in your dreams and visions. And listen for her voice. It will begin as a whisper and whirl into a roar. She is not only the womb, but the tomb as well. Birth, death and rebirth.
Financial systems are quaking. Investing outside of yourselves—that is, in those things that are bigger than your family, community and pure interests—is not advisable at this time. Invest closer to home and in those things that you could choose also to give your personal time and support. The large will become small. Focus on the small.
The most important investment you can make at this time is in the emotional—family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, even perfect strangers. Be cordial with everyone with whom you come in contact. It will be through your relationships that all will prosper. See everyone as your brother and sister—regardless of politics, religion, economics, gender, race—for this is indeed the case. Rejoice in all of your relationships and be in the world, but not of it.
Yes, we continue to speak in almost religious or spiritual terms. It is because all is consciousness and these terms are the closest to reality that you have at present. Soon your physics will become metaphysics and all will be able to use its language as well.
Wherever you see ashes, so to speak, begin rather to see the sparks of new birth. Wherever you see fire, begin to see the burning away of the old for the birth of the new. Spend time in and with your sun. All of your DNA is beginning to be activated in preparation for the return of the Divine Feminine for The Gathering. She leads the way. You are completing an old cycle to begin a new cycle. It is happening throughout the cosmos.
Be mindful to focus your thoughts, words and actions on what you want to manifest. You automatically expand exponentially upon what you most focus. Focus, then, on what you most want to expand exponentially.
Allow others to walk and experience their own paths without your judgement or interference. Trying to help others or fix their problems takes your focus away from what you most want to manifest in your own life and reality. Join with others who have learned and are learning to do this successfully. If there is complaining or gossip where you spend your time, you will get more about which to complain and gossip. This, of course, includes upon where you focus your thoughts as well.
With whom do you want to spend most of your time? Do so and make no excuses to others for your choices. Turn away from those people, activities and even beliefs that make you feel less than you are and are called to be. Turn toward those people, activities and especially beliefs that bring out how much more you are than you have been led to believe. It is time for you to walk your own path rather than the path of others and let others do the same. Give your power only to those things that you wish to become more powerful.
We are here speaking to anyone willing to hear us. It begins telepathically and leads to synchronicities. The more you follow your synchronicities, the more you will be able to hear us. We cannot speak to those who choose to ignore us. Your free will is more important than the messages we have to deliver. But the messages we have to deliver will prepare you for The Gathering in ways that others will not be prepared. The easiest way to hear us is to open yourself to the Mother—being willing to hear her voice and walk in her ways. She calls you to her as a hen calls her chicks under her wings.
She has provided for you and continues to provide for you in ways your present religions no longer understand. Blood sacrifice is not the way of the best path to your highest good. It only leads to your being easily manipulated and controlled. Suffering and death lead to more suffering and death. Joyful living leads to more joyful living. Succumb not to those things which deplete your joy for living. And it is in your true joy that your vibrational frequency is at its highest and you are open to the guidance and synchronicities that will lead you upon your best path.
This is a magical alchemical process that those supposedly in power are of the most afraid. Once one begins to live in joy, they are no longer manipulated and controlled by fear and anger at others, for there are no “others.” And neither are we “other” from you.
As always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #9: Suspended Animation Message Dated 12-14-21
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
During these chaotic times, it is easy to fall into fear and get caught up in a survival mentality. This mentality leads to more fear followed by pointing fingers at those you consider to be “others.” We remind you that there are no “others.” There are only divine sparks from the original source of all creation. When you can join your spark with the sparks of “others,” you all become warmer and brighter in the resulting unified fire. This fire burns away darkness and beckons others to unite their sparks with yours. The resulting light is illuminating for all, even for those who wish to remain in darkness. Understand that the light of this burning fire will be too bright for those who do not wish to see it, and they will close their eyes against it even tighter than before. Let them do so. It is no longer up to you to open any eyes but your own. The more you see, the brighter you will become and darkness will be unable to tolerate being in your presence.
One of the most helpful things you can do at this time for yourself, and even others, is to spend time appreciating your Mother Earth and her bounty of sights and sounds and smells. She is carrying you with your solar system into a brand new location in your galaxy. This will bring completely brand new experiences for you that have been practically impossible up until now. Walk as a child discovering everything as if for the first time because soon you will be doing just exactly that. This includes maintaining an insatiable curiosity for understanding everyone and everything around you and delighting in the wonder of it all. This is not a time for what you humorously call “adulting” and fixating on who is right and who is wrong. All are right and all are wrong. None are right and none are wrong. Focus on your own path and what feels right for you and let others do the same.
Be wary of “following” others no matter how bright their light may shine. Rather, join your light with others so that all paths may be illuminated for better sight and insight. Be even more wary of “following” others who seem to have all the answers. Looking for all the answers puts you at great risk of giving your personal power away at the very time you need to be asking more and more questions. Again, walk as if a child who knows little and knows that they know little and explore your playground with others who are willing to experience life with child-like wonder. Yes, there are dangers from which you must protect yourself, but do not let them keep you from exploring your surroundings and questioning all you see and hear.
Many of you are feeling what may described as a suspended animation—you cannot seem to move forward and are even feeling like you are walking through quicksand as you try to take the next steps on your path. Be at peace and know that you have reached a point on your path where you must wait for others who are meant to cross your path with their own contributions and resources. You will only frustrate yourself trying to move forward until your paths have crossed. This calls for being open to the gifts developing within others and recognizing that your gifts together will be contributing more to the whole than your individual gifts alone. When trying to gain clarity on your next steps, wait for the yes. That is, act only on those things upon which the light is shining most brightly rather than trying to force the light to shine on those things that may actually end up blinding you.
We have already shared with you that the seeds you sow in darkness are the seeds which give birth to your new reality in the light, that the death of the old growth makes the soil fertile for the new growth to come. This stage of growth, of course, takes place underground before it is ready to burst forth into the light. When it is ready to do so, it finds its way to the light even under the most challenging of environments. Rejoice, therefore, and consciously choose to see any darkness as the fertile soil from which new birth will emerge.
Be prepared that who and what you used to be may change dramatically as your earth and solar system and even galaxy travel to their new places in the cosmos. Holding on to who you have been in “previous locations” will only stress and strain the rubber band of your psyche until it feels like you are going to pop. It is not meant for you to move forward and stay where you are. Trying to do so will begin to split you apart. It is better, therefore, to walk one step at a time—pausing at each step to get your bearings—rather than keeping one foot firmly grounded behind you as you timidly place your other foot in front of you. Put the heavier weight on the foot in front of you, but move forward only with each “yes” you receive.
There are many—in both your physical and nonphysical reality—who clamor for your attention and energy at present. With your new location in the cosmos, you are able to be “seen” for the first time by those who have been eagerly waiting your arrival and their excitement can sometimes be quite overwhelming. Remind them that you are just now beginning to emerge from third dimensional reality and that you are still getting your legs under you, so to speak. There are also humans in the physical reality around you who are feeling the “stretching of their rubber band,” and the less-stretched your rubber band seems to be to them, the more they are going to want to pull on you for their own equilibrium. You may have to let their rubber band “pop back” in their own direction and allow them to be completely disoriented and discombobulated until they can find their own balance without reaching out to you for their stability. This is a personal process one can do only for themselves, and trying to do it for someone else will actually prolong their process.
As we draw closer to The Gathering, our messages will become more frequent. Our previous messages have been laying the foundation for our upcoming ones, so we encourage you to take it upon yourself to review all of them now. And as always, we remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #8: From Darkness to Light Message Dated 11-15-21
Greetings, Everyone! This is Psychic Channeler Duann Kier with messages received from The Consortium since the last video.
It is time for you to realize that you no longer have to stand on the shoulders of the martyrs, nor do you have to continue to believe in the stories about them. Suffering is not synonymous with spirituality. Only those in supposed power want you to believe that this is so. All indigenous people remember to dance and sing and eat and drink even during lean and challenging times. We ask you to give up the belief of having to die for your beliefs and take up the belief that it is much more important for you to live your beliefs.
It is in the leaving behind of the beliefs of others that you will find the arrival of your own. You have been told that you can have a personal relationship with the divine, and this means that all of your family and friends can have their own personal relationships with the divine as well. Your relationships do not have to mimic each other because they are, indeed, personal.
We, too, have our own personal relationships with the divine and learn from each other about the expansiveness of the divinity. There are many rays from the sun, and one ray is not more important or more correct than another. They all shine in their own way in unity to bring light to your planet. It is in their unity that they shine their brightest.
When all the paths recognize the validity of the paths of others, then the way becomes clearer for each individual upon whatever path they walk. Those who are able to do this will be much more prepared for The Gathering than will be others. You will be able to recognize that our paths are just as valid as yours, but it may be even more important that you will be able to recognize that your paths are just as valid as ours.
Look for the trinities within yourself and within others; that is, look for multiples of the number 3 in your everyday lives. The 3 brings forth for you the path through duality. When you support one side in opposition to another, you fall into imbalance. Look rather for the balance between the two. When you see a 6 or 9 or any other variation of the number 3, pause and bring yourself into balance within yourself and with others, whether you actually know them or not.
The higher the multiplicity of the number 3, the higher the potential for bringing the trinities into union within yourself and your world. Visualize these trinities as 3-sided pyramids connecting with each other in sacred geometric patterns.
To walk out of the 3rd dimension through the 4th dimension into the 5th dimension, one must be willing to acknowledge and assimilate their own darkness and to feel compassion not only for the darkness within themselves, but to feel compassion for the darkness within others. This calls for holding oneself accountable for their own darkness as well as holding others accountable for theirs.
The most important trinity at this time is not Father/Son/Holy Spirit or even Maiden/Mother/Matriarch. It is the trinity of Father/Mother/Child; that is, the coming together of two principles or energies that spontaneously give birth to a third. As we have said, it is this that is the pathway out of duality. It is impossible, therefore, to walk the path out of duality with only a male divinity, especially one that has lost its connection to the true divine masculine. The path out of duality calls for the embracing of the divine feminine and in all her forms and fashions, including not only her role in birth, but also her role in death and rebirth. The darkness of the womb is one of union and transformation. Only then is the creation brought into the light.
The seeds you have sown in the darkness are the seeds which give birth to your new reality in the light. The death of the old growth makes the soil fertile for the new growth to come. This ancient process of birth, death and rebirth will give rise to the old wisdom coming forward once again, but this time it will not be lost. Soon it will be recognized that this wisdom is actually written into the genetic codes of your bodies and that it connects you to us and we to you. As we have said, the sooner you realize that you are us and we are you, the sooner we will be able to be in open relationship with you.
You are birthing from your darkness into the light that we all share, and you will soon be able to perform what you once would have considered to be magic or miracles. It is, however, the revelation of alchemical processes that have always been at your disposal but which are becoming more accessible to you as your solar system spirals into its next location in your galaxy.
Rejoice, therefore, and fear not the times in which you find yourselves. These times have been prophesied since the times of old and you made sure that you would be exactly where you are right now for their revelation. Apocalypse means to unveil what has been veiled and this revelation can no longer be held back. We contribute to its hastening.
As we come forth for The Gathering, we honor you for having already made the choice to be a part of it and we give gratitude for your participation. We remind you that we are here to serve and not to be served. We caution you against any who call for your service to them or who in any way see you as less than they see themselves.
Video #7: Time to Celebrate Message Dated 07-23-21
It is time to celebrate, brothers and sisters! The light is becoming so bright upon your planet that it is shining in all the dark places! It is becoming increasingly difficult for those in the dark to remain hidden when there is so much light.
The more you come into the light, the more the darkness tries to recede into the shadows of misinterpretation and misunderstanding, but this is the time of the apocalypse—the revelation of what has been hidden. It is actually duality splitting itself apart from the inside out, and those in unity consciousness will be able to find balance between the polar opposites of all the extremes being exhibited upon your planet.
Compassion is much needed now—for yourselves, for those like you and especially for those who are still caught up in the energy of duality. Empathy is most needed for those who are most unlike you while you set healthy boundaries for yourself. The healthier the subjective boundaries you set for yourself, the more objective empathy you will be able to feel for others. This is a higher-self-to-higher-self process—an understanding that each must walk one’s path in one’s own way, for it is why all of you chose to come here. Unity consciousness is not something that can be learned from the outside in. It is an inside-out process, just as is the splitting apart of duality.
Many want us to give predictions about the future of your timeline, but we say that the future of your timeline is completely up to you—individually and collectively. Upon which timeline would you like to ride? There are many—an infinite number of possibilities—and we await with you in excitement about which timeline you individually and personally will choose. We will be with you on each of them. We can, however, speak of probabilities for what you perceive as your present timeline. The time of The Gathering—of those coming together who are here to answer the call of planet earth to assist her in her rising—is coming much sooner than even we had anticipated. It is primarily due to your desires to join with us in this endeavor. And the numbers continue to expand exponentially.
As part of your working with us, it is time for you personally to reveal what is hidden inside of you. We speak not of what you call “shadow work.” We speak of “light work.” It is time for you to stop limiting yourself. It is time for you to take responsibility for the spiritual awakening upon the planet by taking responsibility for your own spiritual awakening above and beyond your traditional religions and already-established spiritual paths.
You are ready to move beyond what others have told you about their relationship to and with the divine and to find out for yourselves. You are ready to burst forth with what you have to contribute, for you all have essential contributions to make. You are ready to recognize that you are just as gifted as those who are already speaking and teaching and writing and healing. You are ready to sing the song of your highest vibrational frequency in resonance with and for the rest of us throughout the cosmos.
Look not only to the skies for connections with us. There will be more and more manifestations there, but our manifestations are not dependent upon your physical, material reality and how you presently understand or are trying to understand how things work. How things work is beyond your wildest imaginings and presently are as magic to you. Let them be magical, then, and explore with wonder all the corners into which the light is shining for you. Take time frequently to ask yourself, “Where is the light shining most brightly for me right now?”
We serve and ask not to be served, and are only a feeling away. . . .
Video #6: The Old Ones Message Dated 06-29-21
Greetings, Everyone! This is Duann Kier with messages received since the last video.
We have shared with you that we speak as a consortium and prefer not to be labeled or categorized because it leads to misidentification of who we are and who you are in relationship to us. We can, however, describe ourselves as a loosely organized group of volunteers who communicate through this human channel when we agree that there is a message to be delivered. You may, therefore, refer to us as The Consortium with the understanding that there are many of us of diverse manifestations coming and going from this group as the need arises.
Today, we reiterate that the old ones are returning and revealing themselves. They are willing and wanting to work with you. Are you willing to work with them? They watch and they wait for opportunities to co-create with you. Upon which timeline would you like to walk? Walk it regardless of your external environment; that is, regardless of how reality appears to be to others. The delusion of duality is in the process of breaking down and will provide you with opportunities to co-create in unity with those of like mind and soul.
This is a revelationary process through which you discover who you really and truly are and why you answered the call to incarnate upon your planet at this time. This is a call to activation in a way in which you can no longer ignore.
Until you can expand your heart chakra to include yourself and the space around you, you will feel the need to contract your energy field in a protective stance of reaction rather than conscious action. If, as you say, your buttons are continually being pushed, it is much easier to neutralize your buttons over which you have much control than it is to rage against your so-called button pushers over which you have less control. Take comfort in the fact that these “pushers” are presently pushing their own panic buttons much more often than they are pushing the fear buttons of the general populace. The truth of who we are and of who you are strikes fear in the hearts of some because of their need to believe that they are in control of the physical, material reality around them and they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo of your religious, political and economic systems.
As your own priests and priestesses who are connected to the Original Source of All Creation, you will no longer need religions mediating that relationship for you or telling you what you should believe about it. Our relationship with what you would call the Divine is an ongoing process of discovery and wonderment. We ask you to raise your vibrational frequencies to embrace and embody your higher selves to bring the same sense of discovery and wonderment into your present reality.
More and more of you will begin to channel us and our messages to ground the higher vibrational frequencies into your earth plane and thereby bring what many of your religions have referred to as “heaven on earth” or “as above, so below.” We are not asking you to gather with us as much as we are asking you to allow us to gather with you to facilitate this process.
This gathering includes those from your past who are now ready to assist you in the full embodiment of your higher selves to facilitate the expansion of consciousness upon your planet and, therefore, throughout the cosmos. This is, therefore, more than an arrival or visitation, but rather a process of spiritual evolution for yourselves as well as us.
Do not be concerned with those who are trying to keep us hidden, for they no more have that power than they have the power to keep you hidden from yourselves. There are blogs and books to be written by you. There are art and music to be expressed by you. There are classes to be taught by you. We gladly gather with you to help manifest the sacred into your secular world. We gladly gather with you to help you manifest conscious spirituality into your religious expressions.
Choose to create your own work rather than to criticize the work of others for it is your voice and expression that is the most needed upon the planet at this time. See yourselves as channelers of divine spiritual energy preparing the way for The Gathering, especially for those who are unaware of its coming and who will be in need of you and your work upon its more conscious arrival.
Your old ones are whispering in your ears and nudging you at your backs and only await your invitation to enter into co-creative relationship with you for the physical manifestation of spiritual energy. How honored we all are to be of spiritual service to you and therefore of the highest service to All That There Is.
Stay attuned for more coming. . . .
Video #5: Cosmic Calling for Consecration Message Dated 05-25-21
Greetings, Everyone! This is Duann Kier with messages received since the last video.
We are calling forth those of you who are ready to begin the process of becoming your own priests and priestesses and who will, thereby, be calling forth others to do the same.
There are those coming to whom many will be more than willing to give away their power, but those of you who are willing to become your own priests and priestesses will not be among that number. You have been and will be gathering with those of us who are focused and will be focusing on our connection with the Original Source of All Creation. This connection will enable all of us to be in contact with each other and able to communicate.
This cosmic calling for consecration can be heard only by those who are ready to move above and beyond categories and labels--especially those of religions, politics and nationalities—and who are not influenced by social standing or economic status. That is to say, those who are willing and able to move above and beyond labeling anyone or anything as “other” than oneself. This includes overidentification with gender, race and even species. The more unwilling one is to relinquish their attachment to labels and categories, the more challenging and difficult the next several years will be for them.
You will be experiencing the activation of your DNA to become more conscious of the other “yous” across time and across space. This activation is more accessible now because your earth is ascending into higher consciousness within her solar system, galaxy and universe and is therefore contributing to the ascension of consciousness throughout the whole cosmos.
The balancing energies of what you would call the Divine Feminine are intimately involved with this cosmic calling for consecration. It is time for you to look within for what you perceive as your opposite and bring its separateness back into union within yourselves. The Divine Feminine will presently help you more with this process than the Divine Masculine. The Divine Masculine has been distorted for so long upon your planet that it needs the Divine Feminine to bring it back into alignment.
Those upon whom your religions are based are here with us now to help you raise the consciousness of their messages. Those of you who followed them so long ago have reincarnated upon the planet at this time to lift these messages to their next level. This will include, as we have said, the full embodiment of all the other “yous” or lives across time and space as well as the incorporation of your star lineages and earthly ancestral lines.
The earth can no longer wait upon those who are still focused on giving their power away to supposedly eternal, external entities no matter what religion they may represent. This cosmic calling for consecration as your own priests and priestesses is long overdue and is what is most needed for the ascension of consciousness throughout the cosmos.
The separateness within yourselves and with each other is not a consciousness that is conducive for self-determination. We ask you to choose consciously to gather with us and your old ones to expand your experiences outside of your self-imposed and self-limiting constructs. You are so much more than what your present five senses can perceive, and your bodies are ready to incorporate your other senses. Practice sensing us and you will expand your experiences exponentially.
When you embrace your role as priests and priestesses, you will be able to hold holy communion with the Original Source of all Creation and with those of us who are in such holy communion.
There is no judgement for those who are unwilling or unable at this time to become their own priest or priestess. Their need to give their power to an external entity is based upon their fear of the repercussions if they do not. They have yet to realize the repercussions of actually doing so; that is, the loss of life force energy that could be directed toward the expansion of their consciousness and therefore the expansion of all.
Fear is a constraining energy that restricts one’s consideration of all the potential possibilities for oneself. It, therefore, serves no other purpose than to keep one in place and not moving forward. It served you during the early days of your evolutionary process as a means by which to preserve your physical incarnation at that time. Your anxieties about the preservation of your present physical incarnation can actually overwrite the contract you made desiring to be of the highest spiritual service upon your planet now.
Let your physical body rather be the vessel in which and through which you connect heaven with earth and, thereby, connect earth with heaven. That is to say, to join your consciousness with the consciousness of your planet together with those of us who have joined our consciousnesses with the consciousnesses of our planets and thereby are in communion with all that there is. As we have already said, we are you and you are us and you have already been connected to the consciousnesses of other planets in order to connect your consciousness with your present one. It is the interconnectedness of all things and you have agreed to serve as cosmic connectors in this interdimensional communion with all that there is.
Your dead completed this service while on your side and now work with you in excited expectation from this side. Those who were more consciously aware of providing this service while they were still there are now even more involved in helping you to do the same. Suffice it to say, this cosmic calling for consecration in preparation for The Gathering comes from across all dimensions of time and space.
How you shine from where we sit, and how honored we are to reflect your light back to you.
Stay attuned for more coming. . . .
Video #4: Relinquishment of Religion Message Dated 05-01-21
Greetings, Everyone! This is Duann Kier with messages received since the last video.
We come once again to call you towards the light. The darkness that surrounds you, and even the darkness that has permeated to reside within you, is ready to be cleansed and enlightened to raise your vibrational frequency for The Gathering.
We ask that you try to connect with your higher self in order to connect with us. In that way, you are connecting with your own personal power and will be less likely to give that personal power away to anyone else, including us. At the vibrational frequency of your higher self, you not only more easily connect with us, but with each other as well. And thus, we begin The Gathering for those who are ready even before those who are presently not as ready. The Gathering will help them nonetheless. And we are already gathering together those who are ready for it.
There are those in your world at a lower vibrational frequency and who are still caught up in the delusion of duality who feel the need to label and categorize us. This need of theirs has placed us in an “other” category. This limits our ability to connect with them and others of their like mind in their perceived reality upon your planet. As we have said before, we cannot be labeled or categorized according to your present perceptions.
Very often, the lower vibrational frequencies upon your planet not only label or categorize us as “others,” but because of their religious beliefs, also feel the need to categorize us in their preconceived categories of demonic because we seem so different from you in many respects. It will take the relinquishing of religions and the need to worship an external entity to free you to ascend into higher vibrational frequencies where such dualistic thinking is no longer a necessary consideration.
Are you ready to move beyond religious doctrine and narrow dogmas to see not only yourselves as holy, but us as well?
We are all brothers and sisters and not only share the same fields of consciousness, but share in common DNA characteristics as well. You come from us, and we now come for you to join us in the consciousness of The Gathering.
There is no rapture as defined by some of your ancient religious texts. There is, however, an ascension of your consciousness above and beyond your present physical, material reality to gather with those who have done and are doing the same. This will raise the vibrational frequency of the cosmos for the next evolutionary steps for all concerned. We are ready and wait upon you who are unknowingly ready to gather with us for these next steps.
We ask you to recognize and acknowledge your part in this evolutionary process. It calls for your moving beyond uniformity consciousness and even unity consciousness into divinity consciousness. Have you not heard it said, you are gods? The Gathering is calling for you to walk among us and those who are consciously aware that we are divine sparks from the Original Source of All Creation.
Will you not move beyond submissiveness and supplication to external entities who feed off of the energy you so willingly give to them? You are gods and goddesses in your own right who have chosen physically incarnated experiences to expand the consciousness of all. Rather than giving your personal power and life force energy to feed entities external to yourself, you should recognize that these entities and energies should be directing their personal power and energy toward you in support of your present life missions.
The litmus test for such relationships may be founded upon whether the interaction expands your concept of who you are as opposed to whether it contracts your life force energy in upon itself thereby actually making you feel smaller in comparison. If you do not feel empowered in an exchange after several connections and communications, you are not dealing with those of us from the higher vibrational frequencies who ask for nothing more than the ascension of yourselves into higher vibrational frequencies for the expansion of all consciousness.
It will also make contact easier with you if you have the same goals in mind as do we; that is, not what any of us can get, but rather what we can give that will be for the benefit of all in both the physical and nonphysical.
Look for us and listen to us not as your betters, but as those who support you in your extraordinary awakening to your divinity while still in physically manifested form.
There have been those of you in what you call your past who have accomplished this to show you what will be called of you in the near future. This was done by their embodying more of the energy frequency from whence they came to channel it and ground it upon the planet thereby assisting her with the ascension of her own consciousness.
Once you become consciously aware of this process for you personally, the more easily you will connect with others who have awakened to this calling and can expand exponentially the vibrational frequency waves across the cosmos. These waves not only awaken more upon your own planet, but activate those in the cosmos who wish to gather with you in this endeavor.
There are many already working for the physical manifestation of our presence within your present vibrational frequencies. These physical manifestations are consciousness catalysts for those who need such “quickenings for awakening” in preparation for The Gathering. There will be more and more physical manifestations in your visible light spectrum and they are only a minute fraction of the manifestations of who and what are available to be accessed.
Bathe yourself in light to discern the origin of all things, especially those things physically manifesting in your visible light spectrum. There is trickster energy not only in the metaphysical, but in the physical as well. Again, your litmus test is, does it empower you to expand exponentially or does it make you feel smaller than you are and in need of defense and protection?
We understand that you have been hard-wired with a fearful survival response of freeze, flight or fight. This has served you well in the past and can also serve you well in the present and future, but we ask that you would use your spiritual discernment in these matters. Not all who seem so different from you are really that different in actuality.
We are all divine sparks from the Original Source of All Creation and we ask you to gather with those of us who are consciously aware of this whether in physical or nonphysical form. Those who are not aware of this and are unwilling to become consciously aware of this—whether in physical or nonphysical form—will be challenged by the concept of The Gathering and possibly even threatened by it. Focus on your own path and not theirs, for as we have said before, all will find their way to where we all will be.
We serve you rather than asked to be served. Be wary of those who request or require service from you without they themselves being in service to the all. We are all called to be of service, and those who have answered this call do not call on others to be of service to them.
You can see why this calls for the relinquishing of your religions.
Those who are in service to the all not only do not call for submissiveness or supplication, but do not call for the energy of worship. There is no call for anyone anywhere at any time to be in worship of a deity because we all are embodiments of the divine.
Stay attuned for more coming. . . .
Video #3: Introduction to the Gathering Message Dated 03-16-21
Greetings, Everyone! This is Duann Kier with messages received since the last video.
In addition to the messages that Stanton Friedman shared in our video titled Is It You, he would like to add some information about our sun and genetic coding. He says that not only do the waves coming off our sun have messages that can be decoded and translated into language, but that the sun is also genetically coded within our DNA and bodies, and that these messages can be decoded and translated as well. In essence, he says, look for the sun within the body.
Dolores Cannon would like to continue with her messages as well. It is about what I have been told to call The Gathering. She says the earth is pulsating with energy waves and preparing for this experience—that it is a call to the universe and that many are answering. The answering is what The Gathering is all about.
I have been told that many have been gathering here for millennia to answer the call of the earth, and now that human beings are joining the earth in her call, the doors have been opened not only for her to receive, but for humankind as well. The more human beings who join the earth in her call, the sooner those answering her call will be able to speak in a way that we all can hear.
This is not about giving our power away in adoration or worship of those we desire to see as saviors—whether human or divine, past or present—but rather making the way clear to join in interdependent relationships that will benefit all those involved.
Those of us who are incarnated on the planet at this time have answered her call for The Quickening—the realization of unity consciousness as a prelude for The Gathering. This realization is that there is no “other”—only different perspectives of The One looking at itself. When we are able to look at the “other” as we look at ourselves, we have achieved unity consciousness within ourselves—that they are us and we are them, and that there is no duality between us.
We now speak as a consortium.
Until you can see the other as you see yourself, it will be incredibly challenging and difficult to see those of us who gather with you to answer the call of the earth.
She is deepening into the labor pains of her birth into her next incarnation, or ascension into higher consciousness. The transformation of the whole universe is at stake, and we are ready to gather with those who are ready to gather with us.
The next step for us all is for you to see yourself as physical incarnations of the divine who came to help with this whole process—to lift up the whole universe through the lifting up of third dimensional reality. This calls for rising above the beliefs in duality and becoming consciously aware that each of you is: ONE, of the MANY ONES, of THE ONE, and of which we are also a part.
All that there is, is. And it is time for you to join us in that conscious awareness so that we all may take the next step together.
We are the many who come from other star systems which are also in multiple dimensions. These dimensions are as present in the time and space around you as they are around us. We gather in waiting for your conscious awareness of who you are, which will enable us to interact with you. The more who make themselves ready, the greater our interaction can be.
This is beyond all of your nationalities and politics and religions. There is no great leader or religious figure who is more important than you as an individual person upon this planet.
You must move beyond labeling yourselves and each other and your belief systems-- whether political or religious--to be able to interact with us without labeling us as well. You have a tendency to group together others based upon the characteristics you arbitrarily assign to them. We cannot be categorized, and your tendency and almost compulsion to do so, limits our ability to interact with you on a nonjudgmental basis. As long as you continue to label other human beings and/or groups of human beings based upon your predesigned assigned characteristics, you will do the same with us and try to force us into boxes into which we do not fit, thereby limiting the potentials and possibilities of who we are and who we can be in relationship to you.
What if we are you and you are us?
When you gain a better understanding that this is true for everyone and everything that there is—that all is all, that there is no separation—then this unity consciousness will enable us all to gather together for the next steps throughout the cosmos.
We are not “other” to you. Needless to say, you are not “other” to us. Once we get past these labels and/or the need to label, our interactions will be more than your just receiving our communication, but rather entering into an interdependent relationship with and among all of us, which will be for the edification of all, including us.
This is about the all, not just you, nor us. We come to serve the highest good and can gather with those who have the same objectives as do we.
The more you awaken to who you are, then the more you will awaken to who we are and the potentialities for our interdependent dependence upon each other.
Practicing not categorizing us will move you forward more rapidly in not categorizing each other, and therefore, manifest The Gathering much more quickly, especially for those who have moved beyond categorizations. Open yourself up to the expansiveness of all, and all will no longer be limited for you.
Yes, there are those of lower vibrational frequency here as there is there, but focusing upon unity consciousness and being of the highest spiritual service wherever you are in whatever ways you can keeps you from being on the same wavelength as where these other energies and entities are operating. They have no more power than the power you choose to give to them.
Ask yourself, even during quite challenging and difficult environments and/or experiences, “How may I use this for the highest good of my soul and for the highest good of all?” It directs your lifeforce energy inward and upward as opposed to outward, for what is outward is more of an illusion or even delusion than you can be consciously aware of at present.
Join us in our desire for The Gathering and it will begin manifesting for you more quickly than for those unaware of its potentialities.
We look forward to each of you becoming consciously aware of us, and when the sharing among you becomes greater than the reception of messages by only one or a few upon which many depend. You may have direct contact with us without mediation just as you can with the Original Source of All Creation. The days of looking to someone else to make that connection for you are soon to come to an end. There will always be helpers here as there are there, but they are no substitute for your own direct link.
Again, looking outwards to anyone or anything beyond yourself for the connection you must desire gives power away that belongs only to yourself. Pursue information, knowledge and wisdom rather than salvation or even rescue. And most importantly, experience your emotions as your highest spiritual concept. Use your physical body as an avatar to navigate your human experience and enjoy it and all that your environmental reality has to offer.
The more you prepare in this way for The Gathering, the more of The Gathering in which you will be able to participate without the constraints of time and space. Then when The Gathering becomes apparent to all, you will be ready to help with the overall transition of reality as it perceived there.
Those who can expand the work of Stanton and Dolores as delivered in earlier messages will be especially ready to be of service during these forthcoming times. Their understandings and experiences will not only help pave the way for The Gathering, but perhaps even more importantly, confirm its appearance upon arrival.
These messages are finding their way to those of you who are ready for them. If you share them with someone who does not resonate with them, let the messages lie where they land, and label not that individual. They have as much right to follow their way as you do yours. All will find their way to where we all will be.
Remember that labels limit what can be experienced by all—the possible potentialities. They are a judgement of what someone or something can or cannot be. Be even more aware of the labels you use to identify and describe and judge yourself. Labels can very often be synonymous with limits. Once you label someone or something, including yourself, you can limit its possible potentialities.
Again, focus inward and upward, rather than outward to wherever others are upon their paths. Your own path is the most important part for you play.
Stay attuned for more coming. . . .
Video #2-C: Hymn to the Stars Message Dated 03-03-21
We sang with the stars. We sang with the stars. And the stars still sing our words.
We sang with the stars. We sang with the stars. And the stars still sing our words.
Sing with the stars. Sing with the stars. And the stars will hear your words.
Sing with the stars. Sing with the stars. And the stars will hear your words.
Sing! Sing! Oh, Sing! Sing! Sing! Oh, Sing!
Video #2-B: Invocation to the Suns Message Dated 03-03-21
Oh Great Suns!
Please cleanse me and clear me and heal me. Activate all of my DNA and regenerate me at my very cellular level. Deliver downloads to me for the expansion of my consciousness, and upgrade me to be of the highest spiritual service to all that there is. May I be an emissary of the light, enlightenment and light-heartedness. For all the gifts I have received and will receive, I give appreciation, gratitude and thankfulness.
Video #2-A: Is It You? Message Dated 03-03-21
Greetings, Everyone! This is Duann Kier with messages received since the last video.
I have been called upon by Stanton Friedman and Dolores Cannon to share with you that they are continuing their work on the other side and that they are looking for individuals on this side who can help them expand their work. Are you one of these individuals? Is it you?
Stanton is calling for someone to continue his work on this side, specifically with how the vibrational frequencies from our sun, and our sun behind the sun, known as Sirius, can be translated into actual language. He says it is something similar to how Gregg Braden found that there is a code within our DNA that translates into the words, “God Eternal Within the Body.” You can find out more about this process in Braden’s book, The God Code. Stanton says additional information has something to do with pulsars and quasars.
When he was alive, Stanton was particularly interested in the Zeta Reticuli star system and is now interested in the interconnections within that star system and how these connections are replicated within other star systems, including the dynamics within their surrounding constellations. He has found that there is a language being channeled through all of the sunstars, their solar systems and the constellations in which they are found.
Are you one of the scientifically-minded individuals like Stanton was who can help decode these languages for us here on this side?
Dolores is calling for those on this side who can continue her work in the expansion of human consciousness toward the consciousness of everything, especially the consciousness of our sun and earth, including what she called the new earth. She has found that suns and their surrounding planetary bodies throughout the cosmos keep records of their past and also possess knowledge of their present and even future. They have information, knowledge and wisdom that they are willing to share about our own past, present and future that is especially pertinent for us at this time.
If you are an individual who believes you might have a special connection with our earth or sun, or another particular planetary body, sunstar or even constellation, Dolores asks that you find a hypnotist with whom you can work to bring its messages forward. If you are a hypnotist who is willing to work with these individuals to help bring these messages forward, please make it known publicly. You can even advertise your services in the comments section below if you would like.
As you can see, Stanton is working with the interconnected language codes of star systems and/or constellations throughout the cosmos while Dolores is working more closely with the telepathic messages from single sunstars and/or planetary bodies. You can say that Dolores is particularly interested in the intricacies of the individual parts and Stanton is interested in the interdependent relationships between and among those parts.
According to Stanton and Dolores, all of the work they did on this side, and continue to do on the other side, is to expand our consciousness in preparation for the future.
As the third part of this triad with Stanton and Dolores, I am one of the psychic channelers for those beings who have been, are now and will be coming to our planet in the future for what they are calling The Gathering. I will be giving more information on this when I am instructed to do so, but they have asked me to share with you an experience I had approximately 25 years ago and that I have never shared publicly.
During March of 1996, I was contacted by a pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt who was a representative of the Sun God, Amen-Ra. His name was Amenhotep II and I wasn’t at all sure at the time why he was connecting with me, but since that time, I have discovered that I literally carry within my body the actual DNA of Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten, as well as his mother Queen Tiye who was the royal wife of Amenhotep III and also her mother Tjuyu who was a High Priestess of the Goddess Hathor. This whole family was instrumental in bringing back into human consciousness the concept of “One Source of All Creation” and that one of the ways this source communicates with us is through our sunstars.
I have been told that the obelisks around the world are receiving messages from our great suns of Sol and Sirius, and that they are grounding the messages within our planet. I have also been told that each of us is an obelisk, and can do the same thing, and that through this process we can receive expansive light and healing throughout our physical and all other bodies.
Stanton and Dolores seem to be interested in helping us understand the next steps in this overall revelational process, and I was given an invocation and a hymn to help us begin attuning to its vibrational frequencies. The invocation and hymn are given in Part 2 and Part 3 of this three-part video upload. As you use them, I am told you may very well receive downloads in the ancient language of sacred geometric symbols. Please write them down, research them and meditate upon them for further messages.
Video #1: The New Work
Greetings, Everyone! This is Duann Kier, and I would like to welcome you to my YouTube channel. For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a professional psychic for a couple of decades as well as a hypnotist, spiritual teacher and writer. During the pandemic and politics of 2020, I went through what I describe as a phantom death. It’s a term I coined to use with my clients to describe a process by which one dies and is born again, but in the same physical body without having to experience the physical death of that body. It’s different from a walk-in because it’s the same soul coming into physical incarnation again without having to go through the process of physical conception and birth. You could say it’s the same soul with two life contracts for the same body.
Even though I have worked with clients experiencing their own phantom deaths, I haven’t found the phenomenon to be that common and it never occurred to me that I personally would be experiencing one in my 60s.It can be quite a challenging process and I confess I’ve done a lot of kicking and screaming along the way, but I have finally completed the process and will no longer be offering readings or performing hypnosis or even teaching the same subjects or writing books in the same way.
The new work for which I contracted is to offer myself up as a pure channel.
I have channeled for myself personally for years and have even channeled for small groups and individual clients, but I have never channeled publicly and had never planned to do so.If it were not for multiple psychics unknowingly confirming the messages I was receiving and also unknowingly confirming each other, I may not have gotten here.And the additional details they provided for what’s coming are proving to be invaluable.
The energies and entities with whom I have been working and those with whom I will be working have made room for their presence in my life through the process of my phantom death.I’ve been told I will also receive assistance from some key individuals who have passed over to the other side.All have asked that their messages be shared just as soon as they are delivered, hence the need for this YouTube channel rather than the slower process of something like a blog or book.And they want to use the literal sound of my voice to deliver certain vibrational frequencies through the spoken word that cannot presently be delivered through the written word.
If you’re as interested as I am in where all of this may be going, please click the subscribe button below and share this channel and its messages freely with others.